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NVOAD Long-Term Recovery Orientation- RESCHEDULED

The Long-Term Recovery Orientation is a 2-hour PowerPoint resource, created by National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) Long-Term Recovery Group Committee, designed to bring understanding to the development and structure of a Long-Term Recovery Group (LTRG). The presentation is geared towards those who have little to no experience or understanding of the long-term recovery process. We will look at various organizational structure options the LTRG may consider. The presentation will discuss the functions involved and their importance to a well-functioning LTRG.

A long-term recovery group (LTRG) is a cooperative body that is made up of representatives from faith-based, non-profit, government, business and other organizations working within a community to assist individuals and families as they recover from disaster.

REGISTER AT: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/long-term-recovery-orientation-by-nvoad-tickets-127499232637

This event will be presented through webinar format and all participants will need to pre-register through Eventbrite at the above link providing their name, agency, email and phone number. Once registrations are received, participants will receive the connection information needed to join the meeting on Thursday (11-5-2020) morning. All participants need to register separately. Below is the list with your Voluntary Agency Liaison (VAL) contact information, should you have questions please reach out for support.

FEMA Voluntary Agency Liaison (VAL) Contacts by County:

Jackson, Douglas, and Klamath Counties

Robin Young, 202-394-4968, robin.young@fema.dhs.gov

Kim Johnson, 202-704-8052, kim.johnson@fema.dhs.gov

Amy Eden, 202-710-6297, amy.eden@fema.dhs.gov

Clackamas, Marion, and Linn Counties

Franchesca Gilbert, 425-408-3422, franchesca.gilbert@fema.dhs.gov

Deborah Ducommun, 347-804-9839, deborah.ducommun@fema.dhs.gov

Lane and Lincoln Counties

Catherine Beckom, 609-508-2877, catherine.beckom@fema.dhs.gov

Bob Tribble, 609-675-3754, robertson.tribble@fema.dhs.gov

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