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Lane County Permit Navigator Note

Over the last few days, I’ve had a lot of questions come up about the replacement timeline. Folks have been concerned that they only have until September of this year to replace their dwellings.

The good news is that House Bill 2289, which was passed in June, has extended the deadline for replacing dwellings in many situations. There are certain criteria that property owners must meet to apply under HB 2289. If the new home will use the same footprint, or partially the same footprint, as the previous dwelling; if the new home won’t be more than 10 percent larger than the previous home; and if the previous home was taxed as a dwelling; then the deadline to replace has been extended to September 30, 2025.

If you plan to move your new home away from the previous site, if your new home will be much larger than before, if your proposal does not meet other criteria of HB 2289, or if you prefer to apply through the traditional planning process, you may need to apply for planning applications such as a Riparian Declaration, Floodplain Development Permit, and/or a Legal Lot Verification. If you think this might apply to you, please reach out to me, and I can give you more details.

But, if you are replacing in the same spot, and the new home will be a similar size to the previous dwelling, and your application meets the other criteria of HB 2289, you don’t need to worry about any one-year deadline. You still have plenty of time to rebuild. We do encourage you to start the process early however, as building permit applications must be filed by September 30, 2025.

Single-family dwelling ready-build plan available

Lane County Land Management has added a pre-approved building plan for a single-family dwelling to its roster of ready-build plans. The plan is for a 3-bedroom, 1.5-bath home. 

You can view the single-family dwelling plan online. 

The goal of this program is to reduce the time it takes to issue building permits and the time it takes to have plans prepared by offering these pre-approved plans. 

Before downloading pre-approved plans, talk to a planner (541-682-3577) or the Permit Navigator (541-682-4057) to learn about the setbacks and other potential limitations that may apply to your property.  

Find out more about other ready-build plans available through Lane County. 

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