Fire Aware, Fire Prepared – Wildfire Wednesdays
Are you ready for the next wildfire season?
The 2020 wildfires affected all Oregonians, and we learned EVERYONE needs to be Aware and Prepared. “The Fire Aware. Fire Prepared.” program was developed to help Oregonians prepare for the reality of wildfire. This series of webinar sessions and online local meetings will address preparedness at three levels:
• Individual
What you can do now to get yourself, your family, and your home ready
• Community
How you can be a part of promoting a wildfire safe community
• Landscape
How you can live and thrive in a fire-adapted environment

The first session begins March 17 with “It takes a village.”
We are excited to introduce the Fire Aware. Fire Prepared. program! In this particular webinar, “It takes a village,” we’ll talk about the wildfire problem and discuss risk. We’ll also talk about resources and a plan to get you started on your wildfire awareness & preparedness journey.
The Oregon State University Extension’s Forestry & Natural Resources Fire Program Team
Wildfire Wednesday Webinars Sessions (12:00-1:00pm PST):
March 17: It takes a village
March 31: From the home to the landscape
April 14: Building community for better preparedness
April 28: Ready, Set, GO!
TBD: Fire preparedness in my area
May 19: A land of fire
June 2: When fire hits
June 16: After the fire