USDA Launches Resource Guide to Help Rural Communities Seeking Disaster Resiliency and Recovery Assistance
WASHINGTON, Sept. 15, 2021 – United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Deputy Under Secretary for Rural Development Justin Maxson today unveiled a resource guide as part of National Preparedness Month to help rural communities seeking disaster resiliency and recovery assistance. This guide follows the Biden-Harris Administration’s announcement of the American Jobs Plan, which targets investments to support infrastructure in…

Disaster Case Managers are here to be a Resource for your Wildfire Recovery
Disaster Case Managers (DCMs) from the State of Oregon and Lane County are available to help survivors navigate the recovery process and make plans for the future. Call 833-669-0554 to get connected. Services include: connections to local and national resources FEMA appeals SBA loans recovery of vital documents support for rebuilding, renting or relocating Or…

Emergency RV Permit Update
We do allow emergency RV permit extensions. As long as there are no outstanding compliance issues on the property, and as long as wastewater is being handled properly, we can re-issue permits for another six-month period. If your permit has expired, or is getting close, please follow the steps below to renew. How do I Extend my…

Are You Ready to Evacuate?
Source: LaneCountyOR.gov September is National Preparedness Month. We encourage everyone in Lane County to use September to focus on preparedness and end the month more ready for an emergency or natural disaster. Emergency Alerts Part of being prepared for an emergency is knowing how you will receive emergency alerts and life safety information. Lane County uses…

Governor Proclaims Sept. 7 as a Day of Remembrance
Governor Kate Statement on One-Year Anniversary of Historic Labor Day Wildfires in Oregon Governor proclaims Sept. 7 as a day of remembrance; calls on Oregonians to honor with action (Salem, OR) — Governor Kate Brown proclaimed today to be a day of remembrance and issued the following statement on the one-year anniversary of the historic 2020 Labor…

Replacement History Highway Signs Find Temporary Home at the Track
We lost quite a few History Highway signs in the wildfire and efforts to replace them have been underway for a while. Last week all seven newly printed signs were delivered and are temporarily hanging on the fence at the McKenzie Community Track until they can be reinstalled as close to their original position on…

Grant Funds Available for Businesses Strained by Holiday Farm Fire
Businesses negatively impacted by 2020’s Holiday Farm Fire have a new funding opportunity to help restore their operations. “The Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce is honored to receive a $20,000 grant provided by the OCCU Foundation to help restore, rebuild, and return hope to businesses impacted by the Holiday Farm Fire,” said Chamber President and…