Oregon State Fire Marshal: Wildfire Risk Reduction Webinar Series
Source: www.sccfd.eventbrite.com Wildfires have hit all the western states and our local Oregon State Fire Marshal’s office has shared news of this useful webinar by the Santa Clara County Fire Department. More info on the webinar is below and a link to the Eventbrite page where you can register to participate. More webinars are planned…

Holiday Farm Fire Tree Planting
Source: McKenzie Watershed Council After the wildfire devastated the McKenzie Valley the McKenzie Watershed Council and Pure Water Partners have leaped into action, working with multiple partners to begin the long job of restoring the natural splendor of the valley. They recently posted this heartfelt interview with McKenzie resident Sue McAlister of Blue River about…

Extreme Autumn Fire Weather Likely
Source: Today.OregonState.edu STORY BY: Steve Lundebergsteve.lundeberg@oregonstate.edu SOURCE: Linnia Hawkinslinnia.hawkins@oregonstate.edu CORVALLIS, Ore. – The likelihood of hot, dry, windy autumn weather that can set the stage for severe fires in California and western Oregon has increased 40% due to human-caused climate change, new computer models show. The study led by Oregon State University’s Linnia Hawkins, which covered…

Surplus Doug Fir Seedlings Available
ODF Western Lane District has put out a message to let McKenzie residents know that their State Forests Division has approximately 3,000 Douglas fir seedlings available. If you, your neighbor, or someone you are working for is looking for seedlings contact John Enos at 541-214-0181 for any questions regarding the available seedlings. Check out the…

Lane County SWA Annual Seedling & Native Plant Sale
Our local Small Woodlands Asociation chapter is holding their Annual Seedling & Native Plant Sale next Saturday, February 5, 2022 in Alton Baker Park in Eugene. If you want to stock up on seedlings it looks like an early start will be required, the event opens at 8:00am but in 2021, it had sold out…

Oregon State University Wildfire Survey
The purpose of this survey from Oregon State University is to examine the individual and family responses to the 2020 wildfires and smoke hazards in Oregon. In particular, the University hopes to better understand how Oregonians received or communicated information about the fires and smoke hazards. The results of the survey will be used to make…

Oregon Wildfire Update