Featured Partners

Donate to Help Communities on the McKenzie Rebuild!

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#McKenzieStrong Apparel

You can support the on-going relief, recovery and rebuilding efforts for the McKenzie Valley community by purchasing and proudly wearing some of this great #McKenzieStrong clothing, any support is much appreciated!

Blue River Park

Our beautiful park in Blue River was badly damaged in the Holiday Farm Fire, and very few of its trees will be able to be saved. Going forward we are looking for a new vision for this space that revives it as a hub and haven for the entire community.

O’Brien Memorial Library

The O’Brien Memorial Library was entirely destroyed in the Holiday Farm Fire. For many decades, this much-loved facility was a pillar of the community and there is huge momentum behind building it back even better than before.

#McKenzieStrong Diaries

Everyone who lived through the Holiday Farm Fire has a story to tell. #McKenzieStrong Diaries is a project that aims to record, archive and share stories of adversity, hope and resilience from our McKenzie Valley community while also looking forward to a brighter future together.

Internet & Communications

Connectivity is a crucial part of our recovery and the future growth of our community and economy. The CDC is committed to advocating for the building of a fast and robust communications infrastructure in the valley.


Better roads and bridges, an underground electricity grid, a community sanitary system, the McKenzie Valley has many ambitious infrastructure projects that will directly impact our recovery and improve opportunities in the valley.

Have Any Needs? Drop us a line.