McKenzie CDC
April 2021
Seven months after the dreadful night of the Holiday Farm Fire, which destroyed so much of our beautiful landscape and devastated so many livelihoods across the McKenzie valley, its terrible impact is still being felt across our river communities.
As we transition from emergency response to long-term recovery, and our focus shifts towards the intrinsically interlinked tasks of restoring our landscape, our economy, and our community, the McKenzie CDC is committed to helping residents rebuild back better. Looking forward, the McKenzie CDC has now hired a full-time Resource Coordinator and two Community Organizers to actively support the many projects which are already under way such as rebuilding the O’Brien Memorial Library, the Blue River Park, and the McKenzie Valley Wellness clinic.
Your support has helped us reach this crucial junction in our recovery efforts, your continued support will help us succeed as we work towards long-term recovery and support our community as we build back better. You can help us reach our goals by donating through the big yellow PayPal Donate button below or mailing us at PO Box 406, Walterville, OR 97489
Donate to Help Communities on the McKenzie Recover!
News & Info.
Senate Bill 745 Offers Wildfire-Affected Communities Water & Sanitary Options
The McKenzie CDC has been working at both the local and State level to ensure wildfire-affected McKenzie residents have a bright future as we build back better. Our continued support for this Bill will hopefully mean communities like Blue River have the opportunity to seek funds for new infrastructure, such as a town sanitary system, enabling investment in businesses that will bring jobs and prosperity to the valley.
Upriver Appointments with Building Officials Available
Holiday Farm Fire survivors are now able to make in-person appointments with Lane County building officials to discuss rebuilding and ask questions about their applications, property or process. These appointments can be scheduled for Thursdays at the McKenzie Fire & Rescue Station in Leaburg.
A Shared Vision of the Future
In upcoming forums and workshops, McKenzie residents, communities, and community organizations will be invited to help craft visions for ‘building back better’ along the McKenzie. As outreach efforts are firmed up, we will encourage McKenzie folk from the lower, middle, and upper areas in the Valley to input on these plans. We’d like everyone from Cedar Flat up to McKenzie Bridge to help us begin building back better.
The Cleanup Work Continues
Fundraising Underway to Rebuild Vida McKenzie Community Center
The Vida McKenzie Community Center (VMCC) was entirely destroyed by the Holiday Farm Fire that swept through the McKenzie River valley in September 2020 and its insurance did not cover the rebuilding costs, estimated at $755,000. On February 10, 2021, they launched its “Capital Campaign” during an open house at the McKenzie River Discovery Center. More events are planned!
Phoenix Sculpture to Symbolize McKenzie Recovery
The piece by artist Jud Turner was commissioned specially to remember the Holiday Farm Fire and is expected to be finished in May. It was made entirely of found metal objects from the area, and will include a vessel of water from the McKenzie River in the heart of the phoenix, the mythical bird that rises from the ashes. The final sculpture will be placed in a special spot chosen by locals in Blue River.
our Recovery Partners
New Post Office in Blue River
On March 26th the new structures were set down in preparation for normal postal service to resume in Blue River. The community has so far been served at a temporary post office located at the McKenzie School, but hopefully, residents will be able to experience a return to normality by late April or early May.
$300,000 awarded for Internet access
The OVERCOME grant from US Ignite, the National Science Foundation, and Schmidt Futures will fund the development of a new permanent wireless Internet backbone into the McKenzie Valley area, strengthening the valley’s emergency preparedness and recovery. A hundred wifi hotspot devices will be given to local students and households in the burn area of Blue River. Grant-funded efforts kicked off April 1st, with construction planned in May.
Many Hands Make Light Work of cleanup
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Keep up to date on the McKenzie CDC’s work here in the valley and Subscribe to these monthly Newsletters by emailing us at or getting in touch through our Contact Us page. A huge amount of work has been done by locals, volunteers, and organizations such as the Cascade Relief Team but to bring our beautiful valley back there remains much more to do. We would love to keep you up to date and involved so subscribe now and we will email you a fresh Newsletter every month!
Donate to Help Communities on the McKenzie Recover!
Help Us Help The McKenzie Valley
You can help us reach our recovery goals by donating through the big yellow PayPal Donate button above or mailing us at PO Box 406, Walterville, OR 97489. We hope you will continue with us on our journey to a rejuvenated and beautiful McKenzie, any support you offer is much appreciated!