McKenzie CDC
May 2021

Eight months after the dreadful night of the Holiday Farm Fire, which destroyed so much of our beautiful landscape and devastated so many livelihoods across the McKenzie valley, its terrible impact is still being felt across our river communities.

The McKenzie CDC is committed to helping McKenzie River valley residents build back better. Charitable grants and generous donations have enabled us to hire a full-time Resource Coordinator and two Community Organizers to actively support survivors on the ground and we continue to work on many projects which are already underway including supporting Oregon Senate Bills 745 & 405, which will offer communities along the valley a better chance to replace lost homes while at the same time laying down better infrastructure for future generations.
Your continued support will help us succeed as we work towards long-term recovery and support our community as we build back better. You can help us reach our goals by donating through the Big Yellow PayPal Donate button below or checks made payable to the McKenzie CDC can be mailed to PO Box 406, Walterville, OR 97489.
Donate to Help Communities on the McKenzie Recover!
News & Info.

CDC Community Organizers making a Difference on the Ground
Having a presence directly on the ground in our community means the CDC can quickly identify needs and make an impact where larger county and state-wide organizations might be out of touch. Our amazing Community Organizers are currently working with individuals and local organizations on projects covering clean-up coordination, addressing housing issues, sourcing laundry solutions as well as looking into health and sanitation provision in this devastated valley.

Senate Bill 745 Update
Working at the state and local levels the McKenzie CDC has been pushing the passage of Senate Bill 745 that will offer Wildfire-Affected Communities Water & Sanitary options as they rebuild. Our continued support for this Bill will hopefully mean communities in the valley have the opportunity to seek funds for new infrastructure. This month we are encouraging local residents to register and submit testimony to the legislature to ensure our voices are heard.
A Shared Vision of the Future
In upcoming forums and workshops, McKenzie residents, communities, and community organizations will be invited to help craft visions for ‘building back better’ along the McKenzie. As outreach efforts are firmed up, we will encourage McKenzie folk from the lower, middle, and upper areas in the Valley to input on these plans. We’d like everyone from Cedar Flat up to McKenzie Bridge to help us begin building back better.
The Cleanup Work Continues

Rebuilding & Reimagining a Community Space
**At this time, Blue River Park remains indefinitely closed**
Significant progress has been made in the complex process of clearing dangerous trees and making the space safe. For many months the Blue River Park Board has been liaising with multiple agencies to save as many trees as possible while working towards making the park safe again and ensuring we have the best possible setup for rebuilding it back better!

Food Pantry Back Up and Running in Blue River
As part of the transition from emergency assistance to longer-term recovery, the former site of the CDC-run Blue River Relief Center at the McKenzie School has now reverted to being the storage and distribution site for the local food pantry. This is an essential service for survivors up and down the valley. The Food Pantry is OPEN every second and fourth Friday of the month, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
our Recovery Partners

McKenzie Rafting – Have Lots of Fun! Do Lots of Good!
Local business A Helfrich Outfitter wanted to help our river community and the organizations that continue to support them in this difficult time. They are donating a portion of all 2021 McKenzie rafting receipts to the McKenzie CDC and McKenzie Locals Helping Locals, two non-profits helping our river community recover and rebuild. So, by rafting the McKenzie River with A Helfrich Outfitter this season, you will be helping this wonderful river community heal, recover and rebuild. Come join us! Have lots of fun! Do lots of good!

The Blue River Bottle Boys are Community Heros!
Our very own Blue River Bottle Boys have raised well over $10k for community organizations recovering from the Holiday Farm Fire and are still out there collecting and sorting recyclable cans and bottles. The CDC is proud to be helping Monty Wilson and Pete Petty with their “Dime at a Time” fundraising effort. This week Jeff Dehne, President of the CDC got stuck in sorting the huge pile of cans residents had donated so far in May and helped Pete load them up for transport to the recycling center.
A Dime at a Time Fundraising
Subscribe to these Newsletters
Keep up to date on the McKenzie CDC’s work here in the valley and Subscribe to these monthly Newsletters by emailing us at or getting in touch through our Contact Us page. A huge amount of work has been done by locals, volunteers, and organizations such as the Cascade Relief Team but to bring our beautiful valley back there remains much more to do. We would love to keep you up to date and involved so subscribe now and we will email you a fresh Newsletter every month!
Donate to Help Communities on the McKenzie Recover!
Help Us Help The McKenzie Valley
You can help us reach our recovery goals by donating through the big yellow PayPal Donate button above or mailing us at PO Box 406, Walterville, OR 97489. We hope you will continue with us on our journey to a rejuvenated and beautiful McKenzie, any support you offer is much appreciated!