Help Needed to Clean-up the Track This Weekend!

The McKenzie Community Track and Field in Blue River is making an appeal for people power to help with a spring clean-up!
The track was fortunate and received only minimal damage during the wildfire. Valiant efforts by firefighters spared the AMJ Building and several lives were possibly saved when the track became a sheltering location as the fire raged.
Grants and insurance coverage helped the track with much-needed repairs to damaged electrics, septic system, and interior smoke damage. One grant has made it possible for the AMJ Building to be equipped with a propane-powered generator to enhance its capability to serve as a shelter during any future emergencies.
Although the track saw very little sporting activity over the last year, the McKenzie Community School did have limited team practice sessions and a running group from the Portland area used the track for a qualifying event. Our high-quality track surface continues to serve as an ideal walking, jogging, and running location for all wishing to use it. We also provide on-site toilet facilities and a water fountain for community use.
The expenses to maintain our non-profit facility can be quite high and thanks to a very generous community we have managed to meet most needs. One important aspect of our continuing success has been the reliance on volunteers responding to our calls for help. Our spring clean-up event is planned for this Saturday, May 15 with a goal of clearing the track grounds of weeds, blackberries, and remaining fire debris. We will also be moving the pole vault, high jump mats, and hurdles for storage.
We need folks with weed eater equipment to spend a few hours this Saturday morning helping us tidy up our grounds before some planned summer events. The activity will all be outdoors and Covid safety protocols will be followed.
The Gravel Grinders Bicycle Group will be using our facility once again this year as an overnight camping site in June. The runners from Portland may be interested in returning to our track this summer and we hope to welcome these groups to a well-maintained facility.
The track is also looking forward to hosting the Locals Helping Locals group for a Holiday Farm Fire commemorative event to be held this Labor Day. Another planned event is the dedication of a memorial plaza surrounding the flagpole. Donors have been purchasing engraved paver slabs and the plaza will hopefully become a suitable location for ceremonies such as the dedication on Veteran’s Day, Nov 11.
The Board of Directors of the MCTF is determined to continue providing our community with an outstanding public facility and hope everyone will continue to support us and help us meet this goal.