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Give Back to Communities Affected by Wildfire

Source: EugeneCascadesCoast.org

Visit this article on the EugeneCascadesCoast.org site to see how you can take a volunteer holiday this summer to help wildfire affected areas recover while also getting out in the glorious McKenzie River Valley!

We are so grateful for the fearless work of fire crews, the dedication of volunteers, the support of communities helping neighbors, and the kindness of small businesses who continue to donate their time and resources to help support those affected by the Holiday Farm Fire in McKenzie River.

While many historic and beloved landmarks were saved, there were also many devastating loses. McKenzie River is open again, and the resilient mountain communities are busy repairing and rebuilding. During this time, your patronage and support is appreciated, along with your respect for resident’s privacy and grief. Please do not trespass on private property.

Want to help? Here is a list of ways to participate in ongoing recovery efforts that can be rewarding and even tasty! Whether you have the ability to donate money, your time or purchase from businesses who are donating proceeds, here are ways you can be a part of our community’s support. We’ll keep adding to this list as we learn of more opportunities.

Volunteer to Help Restore Trails and Natural Areas

Make a difference while having fun! Small groups following COVID-10 protocols can dedicate a weekend to rebuilding trails or other projects in the McKenzie River region. Volunteers will have the privilege of interactive sessions with local organizations, an up close examination of the local ecosystem, comfortable accommodations and access to special activities and adventures. Voluntourism packages are coordinated by Global Family Travels, an organization dedicated to using tourism to solve community challenges and connect people with immersive experiences.

Read more!

Copyright eugenecascadescoast.org 2021

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