Get Involved – House Special Committee On Wildfire Recovery – May 21st

We hope you took the opportunity to get your voices heard at the last Public Hearing on May 7th which covered Senate Bill 745 & Blue River’s ability to form a Sanitary District.
The next chance for McKenzie River residents to participate in the House Special Committee On Wildfire Recovery is May 21st at 10am. the Committee will hear testimony from ODOT on the Debris and Tree removal process as well as the Dept. of Human Services about their work sourcing Housing and Shelter for wildfire survivors. These are both hot topics and affect hundreds of local residents so get involved. If you want a say in how we build back after the Holiday Farm Fire you need to participate in this important Committee.
The agenda and links to submit public testimony can be found here and are copied below + in the PDF at the very bottom.
House Special Committee On Wildfire Recovery is May 21st 10am – Informational Meeting
- (10:05 AM) Update: Debris and Tree Clean-Up Metrics
McGregor “Mac” Lynde, Deputy Administrator, Delivery and Operations Division, Oregon
Department of Transportation - (10:15 AM) Update: Housing and Sheltering Metrics
Ed Flick, Emergency Management Director, Oregon Department of Human Services
To view a live stream of the meeting:
Submit written testimony on a bill or topic scheduled for a public hearing:
• Electronic:
• Mail: House Special Committee on Wildfire Recovery,
900 Court Street NE, Room 453, Salem, OR 97301
Written testimony may be submitted up to 24 hours after the meeting start time.
Register to testify live remotely:
• Registration is required to testify by phone or video.
• Register online:
You will see a confirmation screen and be sent an email with information on how to join the
meeting. If you do not, contact the committee assistant.
• Register by phone: 833-588-4500 (U.S. toll free). You will be given a phone
number to call into the meeting.
• Registration closes at the time the meeting is scheduled to begin.
• A public access kiosk is located outside of the State Capitol Building for anyone without access
to a phone or computer to join a meeting by video.
Neither registration nor use of the public access kiosk is a guarantee that you will be able to testify during the meeting. Committee chairs may determine that public testimony must be limited. For this reason, written testimony is encouraged even if you plan to speak.