CDC Community Organizers Making a Difference on the Ground
Charitable grants and generous donations have enabled The McKenzie CDC to hire a full-time Resource Coordinator and two Community Organizers to actively support survivors on the ground. Having a presence directly within our community means the CDC can quickly identify needs and make an impact where larger county and state-wide organizations might be out of touch.

Our amazing Community Organizers are currently working with individuals and local organizations on projects covering clean-up coordination with Cascade Relief, addressing housing issues, sourcing laundry solutions as well as looking into health and sanitation provision in this devastated valley.

They are approachable helping hands for survivors and residents as they work to rebuild. Apart from these projects they have gotten their hands dirty helping survivors sift through the ashes of their homes for treasured valuables, sourcing tools and transport for residents busy with the recovery process, and most importantly feeding problems and unmet needs back up the chain to the CDC Board who are actively seeking funding for a range of projects to support survivors.
When not hooking up RV propane tanks in the middle of the night or washing down the concrete foundations of survivor’s destroyed properties the Community Organizers have been guiding residents through the often complex paperwork associated with planning and reconstruction. The CDC has also worked closely with the local planning dept. to bring experts in this area upriver a few times a month so locals can meet face to face and have their questions answered by professionals.
Donate to Help Communities on the McKenzie Recover!
To commemorate the Holiday Farm Fire the CDC’s on-the-ground staff are working with other non-profits in the valley, Locals Helping Locals and the McKenzie Community Track & Field to organize a memorial event on Labor Day 2021, the first anniversary of the disaster. Also in progress is a search for a location for the Jud Turner reclaimed metal sculpture.

Sculpture by artist Jud Turner, check out his work at
An anonymous donation was recently made to the Arts and Business Alliance of Eugene in conjunction with Cinema by Niko Smart, Love for Lane County and the McKenzie CDC to commission a sculpture by artist Jud Turner to honor the resilience of the McKenzie Valley community in the face of the devastation caused by the Holiday Farm Fire.

This extraordinary piece will be created entirely from metal pieces salvaged from the fire donated by our community members. Most of these materials have already been donated, and we are now looking for a location to place the sculpture.

Your continued support will help us succeed as we work towards long-term recovery and support our community as we build back better. You can help us reach our goals by donating through the Big Yellow PayPal Donate button in the blue banner above or checks made payable to the McKenzie CDC can be mailed to PO Box 406, Walterville, OR 97489.