State-Led Cleanup Update + ROE Deadline is June 1st
Source: McKenzieRebuilds.org Debris removal and hazard tree operations are nearly 40 percent complete and crews continue to make significant progress. Hazard tree marking and tagging continues between mileposts 30-36 and 40-43. Hazard tree removal is underway at mileposts 33-35 and at local and county parks—including at Blue River Park—to help these areas reopen sooner. The…

Senate Bill 745 Passes Unanimously to the House Floor
Update 19th May Senate Bill 745 (full details below) has passed out of committee and onto the House Floor for further consideration! This a great step forwards for our fire-ravaged communities. We Need Your Voices NOW to Help Pass Senate Bill 745! Visit the link below to view the legislative history of Senate Bill 745…

USDA Rural Development Funding for Telecommunication Projects
Join us to learn about access to funding and an overview of USDA Rural Development Telecommunication Programs USDA Rural Development will be holding a region-wide webinar to provide the latest information on the financing of Broadband, Re-connect, and Distance Learning Telemedicine (DLT) programs for rural communities. This is an essential webinar that will provide information…

Get Involved – House Special Committee On Wildfire Recovery – May 21st
We hope you took the opportunity to get your voices heard at the last Public Hearing on May 7th which covered Senate Bill 745 & Blue River’s ability to form a Sanitary District. The next chance for McKenzie River residents to participate in the House Special Committee On Wildfire Recovery is May 21st at 10am….

FEMA Awards Eugene Water and Electric Board More than $1.1 Million
FEMA Awards Eugene Water and Electric Board More than $1.1 Million to Harden Utilities Against Disaster SALEM, Ore. – Under the state-administered federally funded Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB) will receive more than $1.1 million in federal grant money to strengthen electrical distribution lines against future wildfires. This project…

Public Safety Power Shutoff Events
Source: LaneElectric.com Overview A Public Safety Power Shutoff, also called a PSPS, occurs in response to severe weather. We turn off power to help prevent wildfire and keep our community safe. Multiple factors are considered when deciding to turn off your power, and we take the decision very seriously. How a PSPS is Determined: We…

Goodpasture Covered Bridge delays next week
Lane County Public Works’ Bridge Crew will be replacing damaged deck boards on Goodpasture Covered Bridge from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. starting next Monday, May 3 through Thursday, May 6. The bridge will remain open, but drivers should expect delays of up to 20 minutes. Replacing the damaged boards is necessary due to the…

Merkley to Hold Remote Town Hall for Lane County
Town hall will be April 27, accessible by computer, mobile device, or telephone Portland, OR – Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley on Tuesday, April 27, will hold a remote and telephone town hall for constituents in Lane County. He will update constituents on his work in Washington, D.C., and answer their questions and invite their…