The McKenzie CDC Wants Your Feedback – Website Survey
As we approach the end of another turbulent year and our communities move into recovery and rebuilding mode the McKenzie CDC is taking stock of our efforts going forwards and evaluating how we can best help and support the McKenzie valley in 2022. With Covid-19 still limiting in-person gatherings and the type of on-the-ground, face-to-face…

Oregon Coronavirus Recovery Resources
Source: Defazio.House.gov For the most up-to-date information on what you should know about the coronavirus, state and local updates, and travel advisories please visit the following websites: General information – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Status in Oregon – Oregon Health Authority Travel information – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Avoid Coronavirus Scams – Federal…

OHA Recommends Universal Mask Use For All Public Indoor Settings
Source: Content.GovDelivery.com Contact: OHA External Relations, orcovid19.media@dhsoha.state.or.us OHA recommends universal mask use for all public indoor settings In response to a large jump in cases and hospitalizations and new national guidance calling for masking measures to prevent the spread of the highly transmissible Delta variant, the Oregon Health Authority today is recommending universal mask use in public…

Governor Announces Updates to County Risk Levels
Source: Oregon.gov Polk County approved to move down to Lower Risk, Jefferson, Klamath, and Marion approved to move down to Moderate Risk Salem, OR—Final county movements announced this week Governor Kate Brown today announced updates to county risk levels under the state’s public health framework to reduce transmission and protect Oregonians from COVID-19. A complete…

Building Vaccine Confidence in Rural Communities
Source: USDA.gov Infographic on COVID-19 Vaccinations The White House created the infographic below to outline how the COVID-19 vaccine helps to protect your rural community and yourself. COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and here now. Strong confidence in the vaccines within communities will lead to more people getting vaccinated, which will lead to fewer COVID-related illnesses, hospitalizations…

Governor Announces Updates to County Risk Levels
Source: Governor.Oregon.gov Updated risk levels take effect Friday, June 4; Clatsop moves to Lower Risk, Lane and Polk move to Moderate Risk (Salem, OR) — Governor Kate Brown today announced updates to county risk levels under the state’s public health framework to reduce transmission and protect Oregonians from COVID-19. Effective Friday, June 4, through Thursday,…

McKenzie CDC Welcomes New Managing Director
Lisa Mattes-McCreary officially joined the McKenzie Community Development Corporation this week. She brings a wealth of experience to the newly created role of Managing Director, including 12 years as District Manager and 26 years as a development professional in the fields of forestry and business at Oregon State University and the University of Montana. Originally…

Governor Announces Updates to County Risk Levels
Source: GovernorOregon.gov Updated risk levels take effect Thursday, May 27; Multnomah County approved to move to Lower Risk CORRECTION: There was an error in the county risk level list in the original release. The complete list has been updated to reflect the correct risk levels: 15 in High Risk, three in Moderate Risk, and 18 in…

CDC Community Organizers Making a Difference on the Ground
Charitable grants and generous donations have enabled The McKenzie CDC to hire a full-time Resource Coordinator and two Community Organizers to actively support survivors on the ground. Having a presence directly within our community means the CDC can quickly identify needs and make an impact where larger county and state-wide organizations might be out of…